Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sworn Enemy

"Your worst enemy comes from the people who know you, including yourself. " ~Jonathan Celestin
(Follow me on instagram & Twitter #SubliminalPoet )
(Be a fan on Facebook @ The Subliminal Poet)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Is Life Fair?

It is funny how we say "Life isn't fair." 
Do we say that because of what other's have done to us? [Think about it] 
Now tell me, what about the things we have done to others? [see where I'm going...] 
For my conclusion: isn't it safe to say that life is, indeed, fair. [balanced but not necessarily equal] 

[P.S although this may sound a bit harsh, but I feel that once we have done something wrong, we have forfeited our right to have the equal balance that we seek (I'm not saying we don't deserve genuine forgiveness...don't get that idea). The worst thing could be that we are, unfortunately, the karma of someone else's wrong doing.] 

#SubliminalPoet (Instagram @ Twitter) 

Don't forget to like my fan page on 
FB!The Subliminal Poet Fan Page

By all mean...tell me what you think...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My First Published Book "UnSpoken Feelings"

The Kindle Edition of my book has been published!

I am a new upcoming poetry writer,
Please support me in this poetic journey; 

here is the direct link to get your copy; 
UnSpoken Feelings -Amazon

The Nook Book is also available!
If you are a nook type of person, ey! guess what! it's available at Barnes & Nobles!!!
There is the like: UnSpoken Feelings - Barnes&Noble

....P.S my birthday is 8/30, buying a copy of my book would be a great gift to me. All supports are appreciate. The book will be available in Hard copy soon! and also find it on goodreads soon!...

don't forget to like my fb page and follow me on twitter & instagram
Facebook: Jonathan Celestin
Twitter: @SubliminalPoet
Instagram: #SubliminalPoet


Monday, May 27, 2013

UnSpoken Feelings (Synopsis)

From its name alone the "UnSpoken Feelings" says it all. As you dive deep into this emotion-filled ocean of this poetry  book, keep an open mind. The Subliminal Poet takes you places down memory lane that you have came across many times but never realize. He takes you behind the smiles where a whirlwind of emotions pollute the soul, like a highlighted headline written in bold. This is not just a poetry book, but rather scenery of words left unsaid. But who is the Subliminal Poet?  The element of creativity, , candidness, passion, He creates the aura of which you shall see the trend.  From love lost, tear drops, mistakes, and heartfelt poems, the Subliminal Poet has taken poetry to another level with his own views, and styles. His metaphors, similes, personification and rhyme scheme are subliminal. Some of these poems may contain strong languages. While you read these poems, open up your mind and your heart, allow them to take you to sublime places. You may end up with butterflies in your stomach or rain down your cheeks but it is all worth it. At the end of the book, the Subliminal Poet closes with some inspiration quotes. Hope you enjoy!

Would you buy the book after you read this?
(Book coming out in June/July, publishing thru DIP Pub)
Don't forget to like the page on FB to keep up with the updates The Subliminal Poet

The Kindle Edition of my book has been published! 
Please Support me in this poetic journey; here is the direct link to get your copy; UnSpoken Feelings - Amazon

....P.S my birthday is 8/30, buying a copy of my book would be a great gift to me. All supports are appreciate. The book will be available in Hard copy soon! and also find it on goodreads!...#SoHelpMeGod

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Finding the "RIGHT" Person (My View)

It's funny how we're all looking for that special someone;
a decent/trustworthy/great man/woman. That one person
you can always talk to, rely on, that got your back.
But we failed to look for that upon ourselves. We failed to
 look at ourselves and ask these questions; Am I a good
 man/woman? Am I Trustworthy? Do iiiii have these qualities
that I'm looking for in another person? Are we that person
that we are looking for? can we match up the qualities?
would someone find these qualities in me?  I know these
questions might seem a little bit redundant but
 If you can't truthfully/genuinely
 answer YES to these questions, then you aught not to speak
toward these qualities. You aught not to judge the people who
do not have these qualities, neither should you be complaining
about it. First of all, you don't deserve it. I know you probably
feel that "Ey, I use to have these qualities, but people this,
people that?" but if you these people ask you to jump off a
200-story building, would you have done it. If you wouldn't
then why blaming them. Did they hold a gun to your head and
tell you to change? Then if not, I don't see why you take a turn
down in the dark side! Wake up! If you want good thing, do
good things and good things will happen to you. Don't wait to find
that person then try to change for them. No, it doesn't work
 that way. You might lose them before you even change.
It's hard to break habits. Being unfaithful is a habit, being disrespectful,
is a habit, being dishonest is a habit...a lot of these are habits that
a lot of us has. Some of us can control it, some just can't
So don't go around saying all
man/woman this, all man/woman that because Jesus said
"Let he WITHOUT SIN cast the first stone." ~John 8:7...
I promise you most of us if not all, are not worthy to even
touch the first stone. Let me not make an assumption and
just ask the question "ARE YOU WORTHY TO CAST
THE FIRST STONE?" go head, answer that.
If you genuinely can't say "Yes" to this question, do me
a favor and stop judging others. In other word,
practice what you preach. Be what you looking for in others.

Please Share, G+, and Definitely Comment!!!!

Like me on FB: Jonathan Celestin
Follow me on Twitter: @SubliminalPoet
Ey, I'd love to hear your take on that subject!
whether positive or negative, I'm open to all

The Kindle Edition of my book has been published! Please support me in this poetic journey; here is the direct link to get your copy; UnSpoken Feelings - Amazon

....P.S my birthday is 8/30, buying a copy of my book would be a great gift to me. All supports are appreciate. The book will be available in Hard copy soon! and also find it on goodreads soon!...#SoHelpMeGod

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Real Woman (Quote)

"A real woman does not need a man's approval to be beautiful." 

~Jonathan Celestin {like on FB}

Please be sure to leave comments....click on the link to like the page
don't forget to follow me on twitter and instagram @SubliminalPoet

Sunday, April 14, 2013

MasterPiece 1 (Rated R)

As I strip her clothes off
She sounded off like she wanted more,
The feeling among the room was so intense,
A sexual desire that only needed to be fulfilled.

Gently, I touch her breast
While I softly kiss her upper lips,
Smoothly I go down to her neck,
She leaned her head, like a drunken.

I move behind her unnoticed,
I positioned my hand between her thigh,
While her head position on my shoulder,
I support her weight as …..

To be continued...


Like me on FB: Jonathan Celestin
Leave comments

Friday, April 12, 2013

Don't Give Up (Inspirational Poetry)

Don't give up on what you believe in,
on what you wish for,
do not give up on what you hope for,
especially what you want,
what you need.

Don't give up on your family,
on you friends,
do not give up on the people that care for you,
especially the ones that are close to you,
the ones are near by.

Don't give up on the spirit,
on the faith,
do not give up on your hope for Heaven,
especially God,
plus Jesus our Savior.

Remember this day I'm telling you that right now,
Do not give up the fight,
but strike for the best,
and be the first.

Written: April 30, 2004
Like me on FB: Jonathan Celestin
Follow on Twitter: @SubliminalPoet

{Please leave feedback}

Thursday, April 11, 2013


It started with a kiss 
ended with a diss, 
the mistake in between 
no one seems to have seen. 

A night to remember, 
a night to forget,  
all ended up neglected, 
for I was blindsided. 

 a torn soul, 
because of the devil's dual. 


By: Jonathan Celestin (Like me on Facebook or Tweet Me @SubliminalPoet)
{This poem is edited, in another word, it is not the full version of the poem. If you want to read the full version, check out the FB page}

Comment, G+, and Share!
I love critical feedback, so feel free to hurt my heart lol

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

False Hope (Quote)

"False [hope] is only comfort to those who have lost grip of *reality*."

~Jonathan Celestin

Scrutinizing View (Essay)

There is more to reading than understanding its literal sense. At times, authors may articulate terminologies that are not meant to be taken carelessly or literally. At times, authors would intentionally use certain words at certain point in the article to evoke a reader’s perspective. Although it might seem as if the author is accurate about his work, a little research on the author can help understand the author’s stance. It can also help to know if the author is liable. To better clarify my proposition, I’ll give you an example as I scrutinize this article called “Dreaming of the Other Side of the Wire.”
As its principle, this article highlights points about the American immigration and the problem it faces. It was written by the Economist, and was published in the Special Report section of the paper in March 12, 2005.( The Economist Newspaper Ltd) The author includes subheadings within the article in order to emphasize his points. Some of these issues are about immigration policy, the issue of passport and visa, and also the patrol border. The point the article stresses is that the opposition of politic and economy is not working. The author implies that compromising at a common ground would be the best possible way to work this problem. Afterward, he proposes a solution to the problem. At the same time, the author keeps a liberal stance, while in favor of the topic.
To begin with, the Economist Newspaper was founded by James Wilson. This paper is a reputable weekly paper which was first published in London in September of 1843. (Gunn, Neal) It covers analysis and commentary, business and global political economy issues. It has an independent and intercontinental viewpoint. The Economist Newspaper is, rather, a collective of thoughts of different people called the Economist Group. (The Economists) It is written and published anonymously because the article can have at least four to five different authors or editors who contribute in it.
Although, the article did not specify a particular author or editor, Bill Emmott was the current head editor of the Economist Newspaper at that time. (Emmott) He is an international author and writer, who mostly focus on international affairs. Although it is quite impossible to tell whether the author is credible or not, the sources, from which that information derived, were accurate. At the end of the article the author includes a survey of Mexican migrants in the US, 2005. This is effective because the source is liable and plausible.
On the other hand, the article had some major limitations. Because the Economist newspaper supposed to have a certain stance which all its editors have to follow, it is hard to know how each individual co-author of this article really feel about certain things concerning the contents. They have some kind of restraint and limitation to their opinions. Plus, the Economist Newspaper has a more liberal view in political affairs. Therefore, it clearly show that the outcome of the article will be very biased and one sided.
In depth, the author constructs a scheme to help the audience follow his points. The author asks direct questions in order to address specific points to the audience. It also keeps the audience aware of what point the author is trying to make. As far as word choice, anyone with a minor high school degree could read and understand this article. The readability level of the text is comprehensible. It seems straight forward and most of the author’s points are clear and understandable.
In spite of vocabulary and grammar, the author seems negligent about his word usage. The author did not take time to translate quotes from their original language to English. The author assumes that the reader would be able to familiarize these words with those of the English vocabulary. Despite that, the author’s argumentative strategies are convincing. In order to identify key argument, the author stated direct questions in the article such as; “What is the solution to the immigration problem?” “What would be a more plausible figure for the growth in illegal immigration?” “To what overall effect?” (Gunn) These questions were answered directly within the paragraphs.
Comprehensively, readers of this article would have a better understanding of the article if they have common grounds and interests. For this reason, this article appears to pertain to politicians and also immigrants, who are able to read English. As far as politicians, their interest in this matter would depend on their stance, whether they are liberal, conservative, or communitarian. For instance, a liberal politician would have a complete opposite view of that matter than a communitarian. The liberal one would think that it is acceptable to let illegal immigrants come to the US, while the communitarian would have thought that order should be restored at the borderline and keep illegal immigrants from crossing it.
As the author mentions, the group that could be alienated with this article would be Americans that feels like the increase of immigrations is limiting their job availability. They would deem that it is unacceptable for others from across the nation to come in and take their jobs. At the same time, those immigrants, illegal or not, would feel otherwise. The argument they would use in order to support their opinion is that partial of the American people refuse to do certain job for a low pay.
The purpose of the article was to draw attention to the advantage and disadvantage of immigration on both politics and economy. Fundamentally, the author tries to reach a point where he can retrieve common ground within the problem. Then, the author proposes a solution to the problem. Although the writing was not expository, it did include some information in order to attain reasons for his stance.
Primarily, I don’t think the author is credible himself due to the fact that the article is a collection of different uniformed perspective. It seemed as if the paper was written by one person. But the truth is that there was more than one author, which means each one was to agree with the thesis that was set forth for them. Even if one of the authors had a different view of the matter, it would have not been expressed because it would have messed up the prototype of the article. This creates a negative perspective on the article. I believe if some people who read the Economist knew about the limitation of the writers of this article, they would have a different feeling about it.
Secondly, I believe that the author called attention to good points in the article. The author was up-to-date about the sources he provided. The sources were credible, and were easy to find. The argumentative strategies were very good. The language the author used was not too advance, which made the article readable by anyone one who grasp the basic of the English language. Although the sources may have been credible, it does not change the fact that there was some kind of boundaries set for the authors and editors who wrote this article.
In all, this article focuses on both the problem of immigration while connecting it to political issues. The author uses subheadings in order to explore certain points within the article. But because of the publisher’s standpoint, it made some of the author’s claims in the article a bit prejudiced. In addition, the author suggests a solution to the problems he mentioned. This solution includes loosening the rules and regulations on immigrations. The author feels that, although it might hurt Americans in some way, it would be in their best economic interest to be liberal about this matter. The author also kept in mind that he may face opposition for his suggested solution.
By: Jonathan Celestin (Like Me on FB)
Follow me on Twitter @SubliminalPoet
[This is a essay I wrote, ref is available upon request]

Who Am I? (Poetry)

I, the one who rises above,
fly in the sky with the Angels' dove,
I, the one that give all of my love,
seem to be the one they want to get rid of.
I, the element of maturity,
am courageous in this world of cowardliness.
I, the architecture of all ages,
build myself upon the ground on which I stand.
I, in case you're seeking an answer,
am me,
I, in case you need an enhancer,
am me.
(Some Parts of this poem was cut out, if you want to experience the full version...like my page on FaceBook: Jonathan Celestin )
Please comment and if you like it please recommend it by hitting the G+

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Achieving your goals (My View)

I guess this will pretty much be my first blog just talking about a topic.

So, What about achieving your goal?
what I will be talking about is what I feel would be some good pointers and guidelines that you can use to achieve your goals. First and foremost, this is not a scientific proven guideline. Just so that we are clear, this is purely my opinion. If I was to refer to something or a topic that is not directly from me, I will definitely have direct siting for it.
Anyways, back to my topic...
Achieving a goal to me is not just a physical thing. In order to even begin setting goals, first you must be mentally stable. To elaborate on that, I meant to have a CLEAR MIND. You will most likely set unattainable goals if you  are not thinking straight. One good way to clear your mind will be to GO FAR FROM YOUR FAMILIAR SURROUNDING. No I'm not saying if you live in Atlanta to go to California lol. What I am saying is don't do it at home, don't do it places where you are used to. I also wouldn't recommend the library because you might end up killing yourself with boredom. So where can you go then?...Well I would suggest something like a public park, have a solitary lunch with a notepad(you'd be surprise the power of food). If you do decide to  have a solitary lunch, try to go places that's not too crowded with tooooo much distractions. So what I'm saying is that, you don't want to be too distracted, neither too bored that you fall asleep. If you have question about environment that could fit, feel free to hit me up. Also if the goal you are setting involves another person, it wouldn't be a bad idea to drag them along with you ;-). Next step when you get to your destination is BLOCKING UNNECESSARY THOUGHTS/emotions or anything that can lead you astray from thinking straight.
What's next after a clear head?
Well what you should do is VISUALIZE YOURSELF! You want to be able to see yourself reaching that goal, doing whatever it is that you setting up your goals for. If you can't see yourself attaining that goal, I can already tell you that you are wasting your time. As you visualizing yourself reaching that goal, once there...you need to TRACE BACK. What is tracing back??? by tracing back I mean to think backward from the time you reach your goal to where you are now. But why is this even important? This is important because these are the steps(in between) that you will need to take in order to reach that goal you are trying to achieve. As you doing so...DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF!!! Limiting yourself will cause doubt and lack of confidence. Achieving goals 99% of the time is not by chance. It's by hardworking! You can't work hard if you are doubting yourself, now can you? well let's not doubt ourselves.
Next, CREATE A PLAN! so this step involves, writing down what it will take to achieve this goal (remember what I said, DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF) because in order to succeed, your will to succeed MUST be greater than your fear to fail. You don't want to be a failure do you?
Ey by the way, DON'T LET PROCRASTINATION CREEP UP on you. You will be surprise how fast procrastination can creep up on you. So, how do you stay away from procrastination...well that's why in the steps involving creating your plan...you must write down PEOPLE YOU WANT TO BE AROUND and also PEOPLE YOU WANT TO BE AROUND YOU. Tell you the truth, some people are dream crusher! So you must stay away from those type of people.
Last but not least, put your PLAN IN MOTION. One major thing in putting your plan in motion is to NETWORK, meeting/conversating/seeking people who have attain that goal or was a mediator in helping someone else achieving that goal you setting up for youself. Your network with be your strongest link in achieving your goal. IT'S NOT HARD! JUST DO IT!!!


(Please leave comment, critiques, if I missed something...feel free to put your two cents lol)
Like me on Facebook: Jonathan Celestin

The Kindle Edition of my book has been published! 
Please support me in this poetic journey; here is the direct link to get your copy; UnSpoken Feeliings - Amazon

....P.S my birthday is 8/30, buying a copy of my book would be a great gift to me. All supports are appreciate. The book will be available in Hard copy soon! and also find it on goodreads soon!...#SoHelpMeGod

Prostitute (Part I)

Sells her body for less
Than the price that it is worth,
Sexing, sexing
Seems like she never care
Not even of the outcome.

Her soul, trying to set free,
Trying to survive from this hell prison,
She is trap in a world,
Where it does not even matter what she does.

She uses her mind to console her,
Make herself believe that everything will be just fine,
When deep down inside
She is only contradicting herself,
and hoping for the best.

Written: 06/09/08 (check part II)
{FYI-----I'm not a prostitute..never been there, done it...or seen it being done live...so uhm....yeah}

Also Check my (in construction)site for some shopping deals at http://jcelestin.find-a-deal.info
Like Me On Facebook: Jonathan Celestin

One Life To Live (Poetry)

If I had one life to live,
I will live it for you, your smile, your body,
you eyes so sexy and loveable,
If I had one life to live,
I will dedicate it to you, to your soul, your way.

If I had one life to live,
I would cross the Desert of Sahara just to see you,
touch you, hug you even make love with you.
If I had one life to live,
I will swim across the River of Nile to find you,
and be with you for this will be
the last thing I'll do in this earth.

If I had one life to live,
I will pray the Lord to be
with you for a last time,
And If I have to
I will grow flowers in the driest desert,
where the cloud is sad with tears, and
the sun furious with fire.

If I had one life to live,
I will kiss you from head to toe,
till I lose my taste,
But will never, when I'm with you,
If I had one life to live,
I will hug you,
hold you till my arms can't feel.

If I had one life to live,
I will tell you all that you mean to me,
till you're deaf.

And you?
What would you do if you had one life to live?
Who would you dedicate it to?

by: Jonathan Celestin
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jonathan-Celestin/220346371343214
Written: 12/31/2004

"Don't forget to comment!"

Check my upcoming site for shopping deals http://jcelestin.find-a-deal.info/

Have You Ever?

Have you ever had friends that deceive you?
Have you ever loved someone and they didn't dove you back?
Have your partner leave you,
Because they felt that they knew you too much?
Have you ever be seated and waiting for the right one to come?
Have you ever been lied by someone you trusted?

Have ever had your heart broken,
Because you find out the truth?
Have you ever judge someone wrong?
Have you ever been cheated on?
Have you ever wish that you were on top?
Have you ever hope for the best,
But get the worst?

Have you ever think that good things just never happens to you?
Have you ever sit in a class, can't wait for the last bell?
Have you ever look at someone and ask
“Why did God made them?”
Have you ever think things are “just” not right?
Have you ever wonder why things happen?

Have you ever ask yourself,
“Do people think before they do something?”
Have you wonder wish life was easy?
Have you ever wondered why the seas and the sky are blue?
Have you ever do something hat you’re not suppose to?
Have you ever had lied about something that you did?

Have you ever make a big deal out of something that is not?
Have you ever act like you’re all that?
Have you ever?
Well have you…..ever?
Don’t lie, tell it like it is?
Have you ever?

By: Jonathan Celestin
Made: 01/20/05

"Leave Comments! tell me what you like and dislike. My goal is to get better so I value all feedback. This is not one of my best work but  that's where I have room for improvement"

Like me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jonathan-Celestin/220346371343214

Check my upcoming site for shopping deals http://jcelestin.find-a-deal.info/

Great Shopping Deals

Hello Everyone!!!

Although my site is int he building process (it may look it a little lame) but don't let that scare you away. I have gather some info about some great deals sites are offering. Please take the time and look at those deals. If you have any question or concerns please let me know. Feel free to contact me anytime. 
Follow the link: http://jcelestin.find-a-deal.info/

Click to check the info and see which deals fits you better!

By next week I should have my site up and running where you will be able to go and buy items from electronics to collectibles! so Please check these deals for right now.