Monday, May 27, 2013

UnSpoken Feelings (Synopsis)

From its name alone the "UnSpoken Feelings" says it all. As you dive deep into this emotion-filled ocean of this poetry  book, keep an open mind. The Subliminal Poet takes you places down memory lane that you have came across many times but never realize. He takes you behind the smiles where a whirlwind of emotions pollute the soul, like a highlighted headline written in bold. This is not just a poetry book, but rather scenery of words left unsaid. But who is the Subliminal Poet?  The element of creativity, , candidness, passion, He creates the aura of which you shall see the trend.  From love lost, tear drops, mistakes, and heartfelt poems, the Subliminal Poet has taken poetry to another level with his own views, and styles. His metaphors, similes, personification and rhyme scheme are subliminal. Some of these poems may contain strong languages. While you read these poems, open up your mind and your heart, allow them to take you to sublime places. You may end up with butterflies in your stomach or rain down your cheeks but it is all worth it. At the end of the book, the Subliminal Poet closes with some inspiration quotes. Hope you enjoy!

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(Book coming out in June/July, publishing thru DIP Pub)
Don't forget to like the page on FB to keep up with the updates The Subliminal Poet

The Kindle Edition of my book has been published! 
Please Support me in this poetic journey; here is the direct link to get your copy; UnSpoken Feelings - Amazon

....P.S my birthday is 8/30, buying a copy of my book would be a great gift to me. All supports are appreciate. The book will be available in Hard copy soon! and also find it on goodreads!...#SoHelpMeGod